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The Tony Steuer Podcast with Patrina Dixon: It’s My Money

Jan 17, 2024

“Ensure that you have a freedom fund, it’s often called an emergency fund. What that allows for is for you to have less stress in case anything happens like loss of a job, a medical situation comes about, bills increase and your income does not. If you put money aside so that you can sustain your household bills, you will be in a much better place.” Patrina Dixon

In this episode, I spoke with Patrina Dixon, Personal Finance Expert, International Speaker and an Award-Winning Author about her latest book “”It’s My Money - A Guided Journal To Help You Manage Your Finances”.   

We also discussed the importance of financial literacy along with specific challenges for women with financial literacy.

🎥 Watch this episode below: 


🎧 Listen to the podcast below or on your favorite podcast app.






Connect with Patrina Dixon:

Website: (here)

LinkedIn: (here)

Facebook: (here)

Twitter: (here)

YouTube: (here)

Instagram: (here)


Entrepreneurship: My Story Your Guide (Amazon) 

It'$ My Money - A guided journal to help you manage your finances (Amazon


Patrina Dixon is Certified Financial Education Instructor, International Speaker, award-winning author, Founder of It’$ My Money and hosts The Money Exchange Podcast. Her mission to help individual become financial free and begin building wealth. Patrina’s been quoted in Yahoo Finance, Black Enterprise, Real Simple and Experian. She has financial workshops across the world, in high schools, colleges, universities, prisons, detention homes, and for AARP Foundation and Chase. Patrina is also the host of the It’$ My Money local TV show in CT.



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